10 Ways to Market Your Small Business on a Shoestring Budget

Welcome to part 1 of our mini series “10 Ways to Market Your Small Business On A Shoestring Budget” where we’re exploring effective and affordable ways to help empower small business owners boost their businesses using limited resources.

When budgets are tight, marketing might be the first expense you look to cut.

Let me stop you right there.

While traditional advertising methods are costly and hard to measure, small businesses have never had greater access to cost-effective, trackable marketing tools.

But with so many digital tools available, how do you know where to start?

1. Craft an elevator pitch

You should be marketing all the time — wherever you are. Therefore, you need a compelling elevator pitch.

Research shows the average attention span of an adult is about six to eight seconds. That’s all the time you have to grab someone’s attention.

If you successfully engage them, then you only have a little over a minute to really sell them on your product or service. Invest the time to craft a killer elevator pitch. The return on your investment will pay huge dividends in terms of creating business opportunities.

In Closing

I hope this introduction to 10 Ways To Market Your Small business On A Shoestring Budget has you inspired and pumped up for the rest of the series!

Do you have any other thoughts or practices on marketing your small business with a small budget? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Okay. That means the elevator pitch is about how best to get one’s attention, right? Please is there any suggested ways?

  2. The trends of publicity has seen a phase lift over the years. The elevator idea is a catch. I say ” if you are not alone in the elevator, then your market is ready” Thanks for sharing

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